Bryony lives in a small seaside town complete with sailing boats, pebbly beach, and delicious ice cream. When she’s not busy working as a speech and language therapist, she likes to spend her time messing around outdoors: running on the cliff paths, cycling along country lanes, or chasing light in the woods.
As a crafter with commitment issues, Bryony is equally happy knitting up a storm, baking a gooey chocolate cake, idly doodling, or wrestling with her sewing machine. Naturally disinclined to take photos, she’s lucky to have a husband who is always snapping away. And so, between them, they share their everyday adventures at Rusty Rambles.
People who find joy in everyday moments and find the perfect balance between hard work and good fun. I admire people who can write about simple things in an inspiring way, like Gladys Taber and Roger Deakin.
My shiny blue bicycle: a perfect simple piece of design that can take me anywhere (given enough time!) And the notebooks where I’ve saved all those travels and more. I have a box full of childhood doodlings, angsty teenage poetry, and faraway adventures. I rarely read them, but I love their variety, and the fact that I have such inconsequential meanderings so painstakingly preserved. That inclination never ends and I still buy and fill many a notebook every year.
Sunshine through bedroom curtains, strong coffee and a book in bed. Then out on the bike to ride country lanes, complete with dappled shade and not a car in sight. A brunch of blueberry pancakes & crispy bacon at a beachside cafe, lingering over the weekend papers. Back home in time for a large pot of tea and some homemade cake. A snooze in the afternoon, then out late for dinner and dancing with friends.
Being outside with my man, whatever the weather, running around and generally exploring. Then coming home with tired legs and a big appetite.
Find more time to do all the little things I love. Preferably doing all these things in an old house in the country, complete with chickens and a well-tended veg patch.